
Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Love From Shades

Hearts United Live Contented

Love and rings are, they say, intimately associated. Mary Queen of Scots wedding ring was made of a center heart shaped stone, three stones set in an ancient crown on each side, and beyond a fleur-de-lis in gold.

Gold. Have you ever been curious as to where the gold in so many Valentine's gifts came from? Gold originated in the center of stars. It's heated until the star runs out of fuel. Then the star collapses. When the star collapses it blows sending precious gold deep into the universe until its bits condense into a planet.

From inside the planet they make their way to the surface where we may dig them up. All the gold we give and receive on Valentine's day was forged in a collapsing star. The journey represents 3 million light years. (This is a rather simplistic version, for the real deal read Galactic Gold.)

So, as you hold that lovely piece of gold in you hands, you will have a new found respect for its origin.

Oh, and the guy who dug it up for you!


"Gossip On Rings." Cassell's Family Magazine. Volume 8. London, 1891. pg. 601.


Cabinet Card of Old Miner Type Fellow w/ Canteen 1890
. Unknown. Sold Feb.2, 2011 by eBay zippershark.
(I tried contacting the winning bidder for permission to use this photograph without success. If it is yours, please email me and I will credit.)

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