
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shades The Magazine 2.0

There are exciting changes to Shades The Magazine for 2011. We'll call it Shades 2.0.

Shades 2.0 will be published six times a year. January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December. The date of publication will be between the 1st and the 15th of the beginning month. The next issue of Shades is scheduled between the 1st and the 15th of March.

We are bringing back some old favorites and adding some soon to be new favorites in Shades' content.

Returning Columns:

Appealing Subjects – Where Law & Photography Meet - Craig Manson
Healing Brush – Preserving Our Ancestors One Pixel At A Time - Janine Smith
In2 Genealogy - Discovering Family History Today - Caroline Pointer
Penelope Dreadful – A Dreadful Tale - Penelope Dreadful
The Last Picture Show – Behind The Photograph - Editor
The Year Was – What Happened The Year Of – Sheri

New Columns:

Ancestor ArtiFacts – Questioning Preservation – Denise Levenick
Putting Down Roots – Writing Your Family History - TBA
iAncestor – Picturing Technology - Denise Olson
A Brush With History – Scrapbooking Old Photos (Tips & Tricks) - fM
Dressed To The Nines – Godey’s Ladies - Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective

Special Appearances:

A Date With An Old Photograph – Case Studies & Clues Dating Old Photographs -Editor
Behind The Camera – Photographers of Old – Editor
Captured Moments - Featuring Heritage Scrapbooking and Art - Show & Tell From Readers
The Future of Memories - Where Memories Meet The Future - Denise Olson
The Humor Of It - Through A Different Lens – Donna Pointkouski

With the advent of several new columns we're asking you, the reader; "Would you like to contribute?"


Great-Aunt Agatha’s treasures got you down? Are you confused about how to undo past preservation mistakes and best save your family heirlooms for the next generation?

From photos stuck with hardened glue to funny-smelling movie film, from crocheted lace to crumbling newspapers, family historians are faced with a myriad of preservation problems. Caring for family treasures is a great responsibility, but it’s not hard when you are armed with Ancestor ArtiFacts.

Shades of the Departed is delighted to announce a new column dedicated to helping you find answers for tough questions. Denise Levenick is our resident expert, but if she doesn’t know the answer, she’ll find an expert who does!

Send your preservation, archiving, and restoration questions to Include your question, name, email, and the URL of your blog or web site if you have one.

See below for submitting photographs.


Do you have a beautiful digital heritage scrapbooking layout or artwork you'd like to share. Submit it to Captured Moments at Shades. We would like to feature the very best digital artwork from readers' submissions.

You're the one who Captured The Moment. Show and Tell.

Submissions are to be emailed to with the words Captured Moments in the subject line.

Please submit a brief paragraph telling us about your design, who is featured and why you were inspired. Include your name, email, and the URL of your blog or web site if you have one.

This is not a how-to, but we would like to know the software photo editing program and products you used. Credit the commercial backgrounds, elements, brushes, frames, layouts, etc. you used; or yourself if they were your own creation.

Also submit a high resolution image of your work.

See below for submitting photographs.


Shades is always on the lookout for feature articles. Do you have an idea as it relates to old photographs? If so, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for authors for feature themed articles. Send your idea to with the words "Shades Feature Article" in the subject line.

Include your name, email, the url of your blog or website, and a short synopsis of your idea. Article length is flexible. Shades would also like a short bio of 50 words or less and a photograph of the author if your idea is selected. This will appear as “About the Author” at the end of each article. And don't forget, Shades is about old photographs. We encourage you to submit several for the article.

Upcoming Shades issues will feature old photographs as they relate to occupations (due by 1 April) and toys (due by 1 June).

See below for submitting photographs.


When submitting photographs and digital artwork for publishing in Shades we ask that the image be 300 dpi and at least 8 inches wide for the scrapbooking layouts and digital art. Please send the image as a JPG or TIFF file.

Please send the files via a free file transfer site such as or Both have a free membership, require registration, and have limitations on file sizes.

If you use, please register for the Lite account. Log in, choose Send File, browse your computer for the correct file, and attach. Yousendit will provide a secure link to your file. Cut and paste the link into your email, along with any other information that has been requested. (See categories above.)

We hope to see you in the pages of Shades The Magazine.

1 comment:

  1. I adore this magazine! And the given changes made it even better! Thank you.
