Shades Of The Departed - The Magazine
The Wait Is Over!
Welcome To The Premier Issue of
Shades - The Digital Magazine
Welcome To The Premier Issue of
Shades - The Digital Magazine
What's a digital magazine you ask? Why describe it when you can experience it? Where we're going and the reasons for the move are all revealed in the magazine.
Enough talking, let's go! Read over the minimal instructions and give us a whirl. (For the best viewing experience please select Full Screen Mode.)
Some additional viewing notes. Selecting the page rather than the arrows to turn the pages enables the zoom function. Full screen using the arrows is optimum viewing. Download the document in PDF form here by selecting the green download arrow.

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Congratulations FM!! It's gorgeous and informative.
Yay! I hope you are taking a very well-deserved vacation day today, fM.
Wow - that's all I can say right now because my jaw just dropped and won't go back in place. What a great magazine!
Girl, you did good! Luv it! Luv it! Luv it! Congratulations on your new baby!
Wow! fM where ever do you find the time? Congratulations on another outstanding venture.
Beautiful design and so many articles! Obviously this was a very serious labor of love by many. What a great final product. Kudos to everyone!
Congratulations, dear fM, and thank you for bringing us along for the ride. It is wonderful!
Absolutely beautiful & amazing!
Cant wait to sit back and read. Wonderful job!
Overwhelming! I think the digital magazine is very informative, beautifully designed & I can't wait for the next issue! I've been looking forward to all those things "to come" & am not disappointed! Thanks, fM & to all the contributors - great job & well done! Congratulations!
Wow! I love it! Sue Edminster
FM - Wonderful job on your new E magazine!
Lots of great articles to kick it off.
Congratulations to all of you, Craig, Donna, Rebecca, Penelope (oops I mean Denise), Vickie, George, Denise, Sheri, Caroline, and most of all fM, for a wonderful surprise. It has obviously taken so much time, effort, thought, blood, sweat, tears etc. and there is so much to show for it. I'm off to have a bit better of a read than the quick flick through my impatience would permit the first time around. All the best for a long and fruitful future - this is such an excellent idea.
Regards, Brett
Great digital magazine, well worth waiting for. All of you did a fantastic job on it.
Woo-hoo, fM!! Looks great and as Denise said, a big thanks to you for taking us along for the ride! I think everyone loved it!
Wonderful magazine! I love it.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Wow, what a fabulous creation! Kudos to all who made it happen! I especially enjoyed the article about the 1930 Census, and will be going back through all of the ancestors' files to take a new look at that year with a newly-critical eye. :)
Great job!
What a delight! It's absolutely gorgeous and the articles are delicious. Once again, that special fM touch has created something wonderous. Thanks for including me in this talented and inspiring group. --Denise
I'm a little late to the party, but since I was lucky enough to see the preview you already know I think it's simply brilliant. But I wanted to shout it in public: this is one of the most creative and original uses of the web I've seen in a long time. And I'm not just saying that because you think I'm funny enough to write a humor column! I was intrigued by your idea from the start, but seeing the finished product is amazing. I hope we can continue to work on these projects for a long time, my friend. Thank you so much.
Wonderful! So many great articles -- thanks and great work!
Missy @ Bayside Research
I know I am *really* late, but I just wanted to congratulate you fM and all of your contributors for a very fine endeavor, indeed. I especially appreciate the abillity to download your magazine as a pdf file since my online time is limited. Great job, and thank you!
Beautiful. Just Beautiful. What a wonderful collection of articles to enjoy. I think we should take to calling you the designMaven too.
Thanks for "kicking it up a notch" for all of us in the genablogging community. Congrats on a job WELL DONE.
Love it! Shades of wonderful.
100 Years in America
Small-leaved Shamrock
A light that shines again
Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture
This is great stuff, and the layout is absolutely beautiful!
Congratulations on a great first issue!
What a wonderful idea! fm, your talent is without limits. The layout is beautiful, the articles great. I read every word and enjoyed every second. Thank you all for your hard work on this labor of love. Congratulations ~ can't wait for the next issue!
Wow, FM, now I know why Mom always called you "the smart one." What a beautiful publication. You're awesome!!
Love you,
Little Sister, Biblio
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