
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yes, Put On Those White Gloves, Baby!

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things."

Thursday, on Shades Of The Departed, will be dedicated to
many things,
and nothing in particular.

Many Things Thursday

Much of the damage to photographs and negatives is caused by chemical reactions of the body oils in fingerprints with the image during the handling process. Wear white cotton gloves to lessen the possibility of leaving fingerprints and soiling the photograph. Shades has stated this admonition on more than one occasion. Have you ever seen a fingerprint that could be 100 years old? I thought I'd introduce you to one today.

Here is the reason you wear white gloves.

Here is a fingerprint burned into the Real Photo Postcard used in my article A Sign Of The Times. The postcard was produced ca. 1911. The fingerprint was the product of poor handling procedures sometime between 1911 and the date it was received by Shades in 2009.

Always remember to:

-- Handle a photograph while wearing lint free white gloves.
-- Never touch the photograph itself. Always handle a photograph by the edge.
-- Remove bits of cardboard or debris from your gloves between each photographic examination.
-- Wash gloves after every use.

So put on those "white gloves, Baby" and be confident you won't get an oily fingerprint in the middle of Great Grandmother's pretty face.

Suppliers for Archival Supplies:

Archival Products (A Division of Library Binding Service)
P.O. Box 1413
Des Moines, IA 50305
(800) 526-5640

7 Caesar Place
Moonachie, NJ 07074
(800) 804-8428

Conservation Resources International
8000-H Forbes Place
Springfield, VA 22151
(800) 634-6932

Gaylord Brothers, Inc.
P.O. Box 4901
Syracuse, NY 13221-4901
(800) 634-6307

The Hollinger Corporation
P.O. Box 8360
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
(800) 634-0491

Light Impressions
439 Monroe Ave.
P.O. Box 940
Rochester, NY 14603-0940
(800) 828-6216

Metal Edge, Inc.
6340 Bandini Blvd.
Commerce, CA 90040
Phone: 800-862-2228
Fax: 888-822-6937

University Products
517 Main St., P.O. Box 101
Holyoke, MA 01041-0101
(800) 628-1912


  1. I have found that local art supply and photographers' supply stores often carry white cotton gloves, too.

  2. Thank you fM for reminding me. I've ordered my white cotton, lint-free gloves today! :-)
