Into each life some rain must fall. Well, the July 16 posting of Smile For The Camera was hit by a tidal wave. I wish I knew how it happened, but I don't. I can only apologize.This reminds me of one of my favorite Mary Tyler Moore shows. Mary was getting an award from the broadcasting community for a program she produced. She was having a bad hair day, she broke her foot and was in a cast, and had a cold complete with red nose. When she was called up to accept her award all she could say was, "I usually look so much better than this." Well, Smile usually looks so much better than the original post.15th EDITION
Smile For The Camera
10 July 2009
When the topic of occupational photographs was selected for this Smile Edition I didn't think we'd see many submissions, but I'm pleasantly surprised at the quantity and quality of photographs that you searched for and used for your posts. I think this is my favorite Carnival.You have outdone yourselves presenting a very interesting and varied group of photographs depicting friends and relatives "Working Hard For The Family." From farms to factories and everything in between, they're represented here.
Let's open the cover of this edition of Smile For The Camera's album of "They Worked Hard For The Family."
Debby, who is obviously the hardest working genealogist in Indiana, presents
Debby's Indiana Genealogy posted at
her blog of the same name. She says, "Not only did my grandfather work at the steel mill, he farmed. He died when my mother, his youngest, was only ten years old. Grandma received social security for the two youngest children. They were the first family in our county to receive this benefit." This is an amazing photograph of an occupation we've heard of but rarely seen. Thanks Debby!
Diane's relative's occupation introduces us to the world of department store delivery in Phildelphia at
Ding Dong, Strawbridge & Clothier calling... posted at
Attic Treasures. Diane is very fortunate to have not one, but three very interesting and historical photographs.
Becky Jamison of
Grace and Glory introduces us to the
Jones Home Laundry as they Work Hard For The Family.
The story of a Depression era business that involved a 70 - 80 hour work week for Becky's step-mother. Hard times, hard work.
Amanda presents
They Worked Hard for the Family posted at
A Tale of Two Ancestors. Amanda's great grandfather had the corner desk in his job with the Flying Red Horse. Amanda's also looking for the relatives of the other people in the photograph. Can you help?
Jean Duncan introduces us to
Firing Line Cars posted at
Forget Me Knots: My Ancestors and My Ghosts, saying, "Keeping a fire going in stoves on a moving train with the purpose of preventing potatoes from freezing on the way to city markets from northern Maine was dangerous and dirty work in hard times for my great-uncle Harry."
Jennifer Trahan presents
They Worked Hard for the Family: Engineers and Blacksmiths posted at
Jennifer's Genealogy Blog, saying, "My Pemberton ancestors hard at work as engineers and blacksmiths." Jennifer has some amazing photographs you must see!
Bevely Harrison Huffman who authors
A "Genie" In Arizona introduces her paternal grandfather in
A Remembrance: Legacy of John P. Harrison & The Frisco Railroad. Beverly has a wonderful old railroad photograph and the story of working hard on the railroad for the family.
Jessica Oswalt is the author of
Working Hard: A Scene From the Early Days of the Automotive Industry posted at
Jessica's Genejournal. Vauxhall Motors, Luton, Bedfordshire, England is the backdrop for the story of Jessica's great-grandfather. Make sure to select the photograph so you can see all the detail!
Midge Frazel presents
Victor Cleansing Co. posted at
Granite in My Blood, saying, "You don't know the meaning of the word HOT until you have worked inside a business that is laundry and dry cleaning. So, why was this photo taken outside? Come see a unique work photo shared with me..."
Linda Hughes Hiser the author of the blog
Flipside presents
15th Edition of Smile for the Camera—George Henry Hughes saying, "Forty-eight years at the same job and lovin it. Can you imagine!" No, not in this day and age.
Evelyn Yvonne Theriault presents
Smile For The Camera (15th Ed.) They Worked Hard For The Family posted at
A Canadian Family, saying, "Not all Quebeckers came from France - some of my ancestors came here from the Channel Islands to work in the cod fisheries." I love Evelyn's postcards and her
Donna Pointkouski who authors the engaging
What's Past is Prologue posts
He Worked Hard for the Family saying, "It certainly wasn't for the money..." You will love this photograph - when men were men and trucks were trucks!
John Newmark presents
Smile for the Camera: They Worked Hard for a Living posted at
Transylvanian Dutch, saying, "In St. Louis, Missouri, El Paso, Texas, and Margitta, Hungary my ancestors and their relatives worked hard for a living." John never fails to deliver great photographs!
Carol Stevens who authors
Reflections From the Fence posted two entries to Smile. Her first "
They Worked Hard For The Family" is a photograph of the Foundry in Broadway, Rockingham County, Virginia. And let me tell you how good a blogger Carol is; she contacted the family of the photographer for permission to post. Oh, Carol, there is a special spot in the footnoteMaven's heart for you. Great photo and copyright permission! Carol's second submission is a difficult story to read for in this one "
Florence worked hard, and lost much."
Henk van Kampen presents
At work in the Museum Boekhandel posted at
Roots. The museum Boekhandel in Amsterdam was a bookstore where Henk's grandfather worked. Three photographs give us insight into how he worked hard for the family.
Stephanie Lincecum presents
Lincecum Grocery posted at
Lincecum Lineage, saying, "My great-grandparents had a life before I was born? No way! One of the many little stories of their life was operating Lincecum Grocery. It was supposed to be Lincecum & Son Grocery, but..." Quite an album, Stephanie!
Earline Bradt presents
Smile For The Camera 15th Ed. - They Worked Hard For The Family posted at
Ancestral Notes, saying, "It is 1880 and the main means of transportation was the stagecoach. Keeping it going took more work than just hooking up a team and going for a ride, there were a lot of people who worked in the background, to get you where you had to go, from the cook who prepared the meals for the workers to the blacksmith who made the horseshoes." This is a fantastic photograph!
Brett Payne presents
Haymaking in Derbyshire at his blog the
Photo-Sleuth, saying, "Having shifted a hay bale or two in my time, I can attest to haymaking being pretty hard work, even with modern machinery at one's beck and call. The thought of doing it all by hand, as this man is doing makes me want to live in the city ... well, perhaps not." I love the Photo-Sleuth, Brett and the blog, and he never fails to deliver quality posts!

Randy of
Family History Images has a wonderful photograph and post he calls
One Ringy Dingy. And that's the only clue you'll get. Pop on over for a look at yesteryear you cell phone users. There are many interesting images to see at Randy's.
Janet Iles, also known as
Janet the researcher, gives us a glimpse of her father at work in
Janet the researcher: They worked hard for their money - Smile for the Camera. She says, "I didn't go back far in my family to find a photo in my family albums of someone at work -- my dad. Here he and fellow workers smile for the camera at a local meat market. I leave talk of my ancestors' occupations for other postings."
Geniaus gives us "images of Australians at work on their properties" in
Downunder ..... they WORKED hard for the family posted at
Geniaus. My only question. What is a sausage roll, for your American fans?
Kay Bauman's submission
Smile for the Camera -- Work, posted at
Kay B's Place gives us some absolutely amazing photographs, an illustration of the family farm, and an exceptionally well researched and written article. Don't miss this one.
Regina presents
Smile for the Camera - Bringing home the beacon! posted at
Kinfolk News: Random Thoughts and Research Notes, saying, "My second Smile entry, Yea!" From 1917 - 1973 Regina has a great collection of family occupational photographs. Oh, and Regina, Smile is glad to see you back!

Paula Hawk has a photographic treat for you at
Smile for the Camera ~ They Worked Hard for the Family posted at
Corel Cousins. "The things I have recently learned about my great great grandfather are quite surprising. A farmer in Kansas may not sound like the most interesting job, but the life of James Henry Corel certainly had it's interesting points!" And its very interesting photographs. Wow!

While Brian Massey's blog is called
Ancestors At Rest his Smile submission demonstrates those ancestors weren't resting in
Maxwell Factory In St.Marys Ontario. Is that a barrel making factory, Brian?

Jasia presents
50 Years of Service at the Polish Daily News posted at
Creative Gene. It was not only hard work to provide the community with the news, but typesetting was obviously dirty work.
Vickie Everhart's digi-scrapbook work is so unique and beautiful. Here she has created something specifically for
They Worked Hard For The Family at her Blog --
BeNotForgot. Vickie tells us, "The man in the lower left is my 2nd great-grandpa, Atwood F. Smith (1837-1907), who died of blood poisoning following an injury at work. In the upper right is his son, and my great-grandpa, Thomas Warren Alonzo Smith (1866-1920), who ran a landscaping & florist business in Biddeford, Maine. The woman is Eva Mae Smith, wife of T.W.A. Smith (& my great-grandma), who carried on for a while with the florist business following the death (by his own hand) of her husband of 25 years."

M. Diane Rogers presents
They Worked - Smile For The Camera - Beekeeping in Ontario Canada posted at
CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt'. This photograph is to die for and not to be missed. Diane, perhaps the local paper has written about Samuel and his occupation and this is a photograph to commemorate that.

Frances Ellsworth presents
A Great Example of Never Give UP posted at
Branching Out Through The Years. A man who worked hard for and tried to please his family. Through his efforts, Frances was able to make the college campus her playground. Wonderful photographs! Frances, with six children, where do you find the time?

Becky Wiseman of
kinexxions never fails to delight Smile with the photographs of her life. This time Becky shows us the family business in
She was the chief cook, I was the dish washer. Memories! Many of us will remember these scenes being played out in our own small towns. Thanks Becky, you've got your ticket!
Thank You All!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this fantastic 15th Edition of Smile For The Camera and welcome to all the first-time contributors. It is evident from each and every article that a great deal of time, effort, love, and research went into each photographic contribution. As Randy Seaver would say, please take a moment to stop and comment and show your appreciation!
Now The Call For Submissions!
Smile For The Camera
10 August 2009

The word prompt for the 16th Edition of
Smile For The Camera is "Bling, ancestor Bling." I am always drawn to the beautiful jewelry worn by our ancestors in old photographs. The locket that was your Great Grandmother's treasure, the pocket watch proudly displayed by a male ancestor, the beautiful crosses of old, and the children with their tiny bracelets. While not many of our ancestors were wealthy enough to own multiple pieces of jewelry, there was the one good piece that held sentimental value. Some of us have been fortunate enough to inherit those treasures. Show us a photograph of your ancestor wearing their "Bling," or photographs of the pieces you have inherited. Admission is free with every photograph!
Your submission may include as many or as few words as you feel are necessary to describe your treasured photograph. Those words may be in the form of an expressive comment, a quote, a journal entry, a poem (your own or a favorite), a scrapbook page, or a heartfelt article. The choice is yours!
Deadline for submission is midnight (PT)
10 August 2009
Posted - 16 August 2009
HOW TO SUBMIT:There are two options:
1. Send an email to the host,
footnoteMaven. Include the title and permalink URL of the post you are submitting, your name, and the name of your blog. Put 'Smile For The Camera' clearly in the title of your email!
2. Use the handy
submission form provided by
Blog Carnival, or select the Bumper Sticker in the upper right hand corner.
See you at the Carnival!