Smile For The Camera
10 May 2009
The word prompt for the 13th Edition of
Smile For The Camera is All Creatures Great And Small. You'll find it very interesting how each submission interpreted this word prompt. Six countries represented their creatures. One thing is certain, the love and care that each of you and your ancestors lavished on your "great and small creatures" is universal. The posts were the bitter with the sweet. You'll enjoy them all, I did.
Let's open the cover of this edition of Smile For The Camera's album of images.
The Dog That Swam The Pond, Maybe; is Linda Hughes Hiser's missing submission for Smile. On her site,
Flipside, she displays three photographs of a very loved family dog(s). Two ca. 1890's and one ca. 1907 or later. The two earlier clearly showing a dog who knows how to Smile For The Camera. But are they the same dog?

Alana Farrell of
A Twig In My Tree, shows us some darling photos of Prince and tells us his beautiful story. His talents were many and his love for his family unquestionable. "Prince wasn't just a dog, he was the baby brother I never had," Alana tells us.

Linda in Lancaster introduces us to "
The Queen is in Residence! as her submission for "Smile for The Camera" for May. Katrinka Dinka Do (yes, she was registered just that way!) was the ruler of Linda's household for 12 1/2 years and they miss her daily. But wait! There's more to this story than just that!

Becky Wiseman,
kinexxions, took another look through her hard drive and found Thagrus Asher Burns and his great creature posted at
I Doubt that they were Family Pets.... Becky always has wonderful photographs, but this time she also had some great names.

Earline Hines Bradt had the privilege of being owned by Bob, the smartest dog her father ever saw. Go read
Smile For The Camera - All Creatures Great and Small posted at
Ancestral Notes for a great photograph and the reason Bob was so smart.

Rachel Cowan's submission for
Smile for the camera is posted at
curlsdiva. I met Rachel through Twitter and have become a fan of her writing. She's joined us for
Smile with a wonderful photograph of her Great Great Grandfather. Rachel says, "I don’t know what occasioned the visit to the photographer in Hamilton and why he took the dog with him rather than his wife! " Visit for the photograph, stay for the writing.

Leah Kleylein, whose humor I adore, gives us
Smile for the Camera - All Creatures Great and Small posted at
Random Notes. Over the Rainbow (make that after Rainbow), cats, cats, and more cats. Cat people are funny, NOT crazy!

I was so hoping Jasia would treat us to a photograph of Kaj, who is 9 months old now. In
All Creatures Great and Small posted at
Creative Gene we learn he is keeping Jasia laughing everyday. I'm so glad! And she also shares a wonderful old kitty photo, just to show her animal versatility.

Ruth Stephens has created a wonderful Carnival Collage for
Smile For The Camera: All Creatures Great and Small posted at
Bluebonnet Country Genealogy. Select the photograph for a larger rendition and don't miss the bear. Great job, Ruth!

Melody Lassalle's story could be a Disney movie.
My Three Legged Wonder Dog posted at
The Research Journal tells of Sierra, Melody's cancer surviving, three legged wonder dog. "It is hard not to appreciate her incredible spirit," Melody tells us. And Sierra is incredible.

Theresa Casteel presents
All Creatures Great & Small - Smile for the Camera posted at
Tangled Trees. Theresa has clearly given us the most interesting creature in
Smile. I'm not telling. You must go see for yourself.

Stephanie Lincecum presents the dog who rescued her in
My Dog Jack posted at
Lincecum Lineage. He likes a good squeaky toy, and Stephanie has the video to prove it. Titled, Jack: A Boy and his Squeaky, it's a fun video to watch, but don't miss those smiling for the camera Jack photos.

Randy Seaver presents
Walter (2000 - 2008) posted at
Genea-Musings. "Walter was my first grandhound, and I really enjoyed him. The good seem to die young. RIP, my slobbering sleep buddy." A little laughing, a little crying in this one.

Cheri Hopkins'
" MACEY GIRL", All Creatures Great and Small posted at
THOSE OLD MEMORIES is a short story about her beloved Macey, a Border Collie-with photos of course! Cheri tells us, "Sorry, no unusual antique photo for this one, just a great memory to hand down in the family." A lovely memory.

Sue Edminster reintroduces us to
Rider the Harley Dog « The Four Dog Blog posted at
The Four Dog Blog. Sue says, "I posted this in March but this gives Rider a chance to look "cool" again." Mad cool, dawg!

M. Diane Rogers has what every genealogist needs, a genealogical organization cat,
Odette - Smile for the Camera - 13th Edition posted at
CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt'. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.

Brett Payne of
PhotoSleuth never fails to deliver. I love his blog. His
Smile for the Camera submission is another well researched article. Brett tells us, "For lack of my own 'pampered pet' to feature in this carnival, I've resorted to my collection of cartes de visite. I hope that
Smile readers will be able to provide a fitting name for this long gone family pet and his charge." How about Spot and Mark! A mark is a spot after all.

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault presents
All Creatures Great And Small (Smile For The Camera, 13th Ed.) posted at
A Canadian Family. Cats at play were there to keep the rats at bay! Everyone had a job. And don't miss Evelyn's new carnival,
A Festival of Postcards.

Greta Koehl introduces us to the hilarious,
The Language of Cats: An Illustrated Glossary, posted at
Greta's Genealogy Bog. "My family has a large collection of words and phrases, some of which already existed and some of which are made up, that describe things having to do with cats. I have attempted to select a few of our (numerous) cat pictures to illustrate these expressions." We have two definitions at my house, "Roadkill," and "Beached Whale."

Lisa presents
South Beach watchdogs c. 1925 posted at
100 Years in America. "I wonder what these two canine pals saw and heard from the front step hangout of their family's home? Maybe this prize-winning poet's reflections can give us some insight..." A wonderful old photo and poem.

Craig Manson shows us the regal pose of Piper in
Smile for the Camera: Piper's Debut posted at
GeneaBlogie. You must visit Craig's blog to be properly introduced and check out that moniker!

Lorine McGinnis Schulze of
Olive Tree Genealogy tells us this is not a thrill ride, but Barley & Webley looked thrilled to me. See what you think at her
Smile Submission.

Jessica of
Jessica's Genejournal has
And Now For Another Episode of Ben and Casey . . .
Ben and Casey, front to back. A photograph that just makes you want to talk baby talk. And Jessica, more stories please.

A beautiful
Creature Collage from Kay Bauman of
Kay B's Place shows the recent history of her pet acquisitions. How did you get that Siamese cat to wear a dress, much less stand still for a photograph? Yes, tolerant, but it's not a word used very often with the word cat. Loved this!
Julie Cahill Tarr shows an album of Pampered Pets: Nova & Dakota at GenBlog. Sibling rivalry at it's finest. I particularly love the "Mom, he's looking at me photo." Just like children.
Sidhusaaheb's Corn-cobs, anyone? posted at I, Me, Myself is definately saving the best for last. Click on the photograph to enlarge it and see what happens when you leave your corn stall unattended and a curious goat or two wanders by. Isn't the internet wonderful?
foonoteMaven closes the album cover on this edition of Smile For The Camera with Could This Be Robert Louis Stevenson, or more correctly, his dog at Shades Of The Departed. A wonderful old photograph from Hawaii and a photographic studio still in business today. Amazing! As always, my collection is here to Smile For The Camera.

Now The Call For Submissions!
Smile For The Camera
10 June 2009
The word prompt for the 14th Edition of
Smile For The Camera is Wedding Belles. Historically, couples married in the month of June to honor Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. Others did it to time conception so births wouldn't interfere with harvest work. And brides in the 15th century chose to marry in June because it coincided with their "annual bath" - that's right - ensuring a relatively sweet-smelling honeymoon. Show us a photograph of a wedding, a wedding party, a bride, a groom, the reception, or even the honeymoon. Bring them to the carnival and share. Admission is free with every photograph!
Your submission may include as many or as few words as you feel are necessary to describe your treasured photograph. Those words may be in the form of an expressive comment, a quote, a journal entry, a poem (your own or a favorite), a scrapbook page, or a heartfelt article. The choice is yours!
Deadline for submission is midnight (PT)
10 June 2009
Posted - 15 June 2009
HOW TO SUBMIT:There are two options:
1. Send an email to the host,
footnoteMaven. Include the title and permalink URL of the post you are submitting, your name, and the name of your blog. Put 'Smile For The Camera' clearly in the title of your email!
2. Use the handy
submission form provided by
Blog Carnival, or select the Bumper Sticker in the upper right hand corner.
See you at the Carnival!