And you thought all those props found in your old family photographs belonged to your ancestors. Think again and thank the photographer.
What the Sitters Lack in the Way of
Scenery He Readily Supplies
What the Sitters Lack in the Way of
Scenery He Readily Supplies
That there are many problems to be met and solved in a photographic studio aside from the technical ones of exposure, development and printing, problems of which the average patron is unaware, is clearly shown in a glimpse of "the inside" the opportunity for which was offered at Bussa's DeKalb Street studio the other day.
Some one having laughingly called attention to an odd cloak lying on a chair, the photographer felt moved to point out the fact that the modern camera specialist must have at hand more "props" as they are called in theatrical circles, than many a small sized theatre. Sitter? are constantly dropping in to have photographs made which will convey certain ideas to the recipient.
For instance, there is the man who wishes to be photographed .at work at a desk. He doesn't bring the desk with him or the various articles which must be thereon to impart the desired "atmosphere." The photographer must be ready to step into the breach and produce the desk and accessories. Graduates appear with cap and gown— sometimes—but, alas, without the diploma which was, likely as not, left on the table at home. The obliging photographer supplies a diploma—ribbon and all.
Mr. Bussa's experience has taught him that many bridal parties neglect the trip to the studio on the day of the nuptials and put in their appearance several days later attired as they were at the ceremony. Nine times out of ten, however, the bouquet of the bride, and those of her attendants are absent. No bridal group will appear convincing without the always present flowers. Mr. Bussa is prepared to furnish the necessary bouquets.
These are a few of the articles which are in daily demand. The modern photographer has greater need of .an inexhaustible "magic bag," than the magician.
PHOTOGRAPHER HAS PLENTY OF "PROPS." Abel's Photographic Weekly. 1922.
Young Child With Props. H. K. Bussa. Photograph (Card Mounted). Unknown. Privately held by the footnoteMaven, Preston, Washington. 2009.
What an adorable little girl! I'm curious Maven, all these photographs that you collect -what do you do with them. Are they in albums or displayed? Just wondering - I'd like to start collecting old photo's because they are so interesting - but, then I wonder what would I do with them that would be interesting.