
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Meet Saving Face

If I could have one expert, for an entire day, to answer all my questions; it would be an archivist. And if I could pick one archivist, my first choice, my only choice would be Rebecca Fenning of A Sense of Face.

Well, Shades readers, my wish is coming true. Rebecca Fenning has very kindly accepted my invitation to join Weekend With Shades. The author of A Sense of Face will author the new Saturday column, Saving Face, "Archives for the Rest of Us." We are all going to benefit from her wealth of knowledge. I'm so excited!

So let me introduce you to Saving Face and Rebecca Fenning.
Read all about her take on this new column and welcome her to Shades!

As both an archivist and a family historian, I have been witness many times to the gap in understanding that exists between genealogists and librarians/archivists over exactly what it is that the other group does.

This can run the gamut from archivist's negative stereotypes of genealogists as little old ladies in glasses who don't know what they're doing, to family historian's simple confusion when faced with an archival finding aid.

I also know there are a lot of archivist secrets family historians always want to know about things like preservation, storage and the art of folder labeling. For a long time, I've wanted to lend a voice to the conversation and some clarity to the confusion -- a chance that our dear footnoteMaven has now given me as a member of the Weekend with Shades team!

Start getting your archival questions ready, because I'm looking forward to answering them!

Bring your questions to Shades Saturday, March 21, for the first
Saving Face
"Archives for the Rest of Us"


  1. Our very own Family Historian's 9-1-1! I can't wait to read your new column, and am so glad that you are joining the team!

  2. Aw, thanks for the great introduction, fM, and for the kind words Denise!

  3. where is this meeting:
    Bring your questions to Shades Saturday, March 21, for the first
    Saving Face

  4. This is the first blog post for Saving Face which is a column on It posts Saturday 21 March.

    Rebecca will fill you in on what to do with your questions.

    See you then!
