
Monday, October 27, 2008

31 October - And The Guest Author Is . . .

It's Halloween week at Shades and there couldn't be a better collector for this Friday than Midge Frazel, keeper of graveyard secrets at Granite In My Blood. Her immigrant ancestors were stone-cutters in their native country of Scotland, hence the name of her blog. Midge has the perfect Halloween story for the readers of Shades.

Midge Frazel, family historian, educator and writer, holds a Master’s Degree in educational technology. She has been researching her family (and other people's too) for more than thirty years. Midge is a Mayflower descendant, a member of the DAR, and a member of the professional genealogist organization APG.

A technology consultant specializing in education, Midge has taught workshops for teachers, administrators and librarians in Southeastern Massachusetts for many years. She is the author of eight books for teachers with two more in progress. She loves everything technological and is an only child whose destiny was to be involved in genealogy after seeing photographs of her 2nd great grandparents when she was only eight years old.

Her blog, Granite In My Blood, serves as a shared resource for those who are interested in gravestone photography, genealogy and family history. Most of the photographs are of her ancestors or of cemeteries she is photographing, transcribing and researching. Midge is also a Charter member of The Graveyard Rabbit Association.

Join Shades 31 October for Friday From The Collectors when Midge Frazel takes us on a stroll through the mist and the gloom as a Halloween treat.

See You Then!


  1. Super good topic by a super fine writer/blogger Midge. I'm looking forward to Midge's Halloween article. Thanks, Maven, for inviting us all to SHADES and to Midge Frazel.

    Terry Thornton
