
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shades Marks It's 100th Post With An Honor!

This marks the 100th post on Shades Of The Departed since its debut in March of this year; and I am very proud to use this occasion to thank Dear Myrtle for her acknowledgment of my work in the article "Labeling and Labeling Systems."

Myrt has awarded "Labeling" The BEST of the Internet for Genealogists – 29 June 2008 for an instructional article. Thank you so much Myrt! I enjoy writing about organization and photographs, and it is very gratifying to be recognized.


  1. Happy 100th post and congrats on the very well-deserved award! Here's to many more of both!

  2. Happy Birthday to You fM. The 100th Post is a bit like 100 candles -- hard to blow out! You have made a mark in the frosting of the gen-blog world.

  3. Congratulations to you on such a quick arrival at 100 posts - and such a wonderful way to get there! You have provided a great forum for sharing your own articles and those of others about the fascinating stories of photographs. I look forward to reading the next one-hundred articles at Shades of the Departed.

    Small-leaved Shamrock
    A light that shines again
    100 Years in America

  4. Congratulations fM!

    "Guided by the Ancestors"
