Web Wandering Wednesday

This week, I didn't have to wander the web, the web came to me in two wonderful comments and valuable additions from readers of my Photo Of The Week - 14 April about the San Francisco photographer John R. Hodson, known as a portrait painter and photographer.
Danielle, a member of Hodson's family, wrote:
. . . I often research to see what's on the internet about him. Loved your article found it very interesting.
Hodson however had 2 daughters and a son. That census is incorrect. His son worked with him and made a name for himself as well. I'm so glad as to have come across your site.
Thank you Danielle! I can now correct the census error in my database and go the next step and research his son who was also a photographer.
I also received this note from Marianne Clancy.
Marianne had a wonderful photo by Hodson that indicated he also worked in Oakland, California. I will add this information to my database on Hodson. Marianne's store on eBay is Clancy's Classics.
I am so excited to find this site. I am an historic photo researcher and seller on ebay with a masters in fine art/photo emphasis and this is just what I am looking for. I hope its ok to quote you on the info on Hodson.. thanks to him and google I found your site. If you do a search on his name on ebay you will find my wonderful photo which may add some insight about where else he had a studio.
Having moved to Sedona, AZ after living in Santa Cruz, CA I was thrilled to know he lived in SC at one time too. I do tons of research and will be a regular viewer. I love photos and love research so bookmark my store as I am always looking for interesting photos and have a copy of the photographer's of the west book by Muntz, invaluable source!
Thank you Danielle and Marianne, the internet is a wonderful place. I hope information like this can continue to be added to the database I am compiling on photographers in an effort to help date those old family photographs and orphans in our collection.
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